Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two weeks away

Without even noticing it, I passed the ten-day mark. Summer before last, I went to Sao Paulo, helped build a building, paint a playground, make kites, et cetera et cetera, and within ten days, we were back. Oh, culture shock and all that whatnot. We came back with a new foreign beverage addiction (guarana!) and cultural experiences (chicken hearts!) and everything was grand. Roughly the same idea with Belize in the two summers before that. Seven days, painting, playing with children, et cetera et cetera. Foreign beverage: soursop juice! Cultural experience: Cipro, anyone?

Fourteen days here. I have not yet found a beverage to brag about once I get home. I have eaten interesting foods, but I have not gotten interesting sicknesses. (Let's hope those two stay the same.) I have not painted playgrounds, constructed buildings, or played with impoverished children. In fact, it doesn't feel like I've been doing a whole lot at all. Until I think about it...

Gotten a new phone, and memorized its new number.
Learned my way around new currency.
Learned how to direct a taxi. Yameen, yameen, doughree, hun.
Met dozens upon dozens of new people. (New to me, at least.)
Begun four new classes, more on that later.
Eaten all sorts of international - not just Middle Eastern - foods. Homemade ricotta, anyone?
Learned to say Palestine, and never Israel.
Figured out how to turn my new alarm off in my sleep.
Gotten used to always using at least two power adapters for my electronic devices.
Gotten used to hearing the call to prayer.
And much more. It's been quite a full two weeks, really.

I'll write about my new classes and other adventures soon, but for now, let's just catch up on a few things that are overdue.

This is my mailing address, for letters only. If for any reason you want to send a package, I can give you that address, too. Be warned, packages may take weeks or months or never arrive at all.
Sarah Bruce
c/o CIEE
P.O. Box 13434
Amman, 11942, Jordan
It takes roughly a week for letters to get from the US to Jordan.

Let me know what you want to know! I would love to hear - and by "hear," I mean "read" - your questions about Jordan and life and life in Jordan. So far I've just been writing what I find interesting, but I'd also like to know what you're interested in. Ask me things!

And finally, there are some pictures I've been meaning to post.

The Dead Sea.

Me floating in the Dead Sea.

Lots of people floating in the Dead Sea.

Snow! Seriously, just trust me on this one, those little white flecks are really flakes.

My room! (In fact, I'm sitting at the foot of that bed right now.) Home sweet Jordanian home.


  1. I was having dinner with Jimmy's son and wife when their dog came in wet. We looked out and it was snowing so hard I excused myself and headed up this hill as fast as I could because the flakes were huge and it was sticking on everything. I made it just in time!! It is the soft, beautiful kind but I sure hope it won't keep me housebound like last week. I just checked TV and it predicts sleet and rain are on the way. And that is the Nashille weather report for tonight. I am sorry sending you goodies doesn't seem feasible. Off hand, I can't think of anything that tastes good or is safe to eat after five or six days on the road. But maybe absence will make them taste better when you get home. I love you, Gram

  2. You have indeed done quite a lot!! I look forward to hearing about your "new classes and other adventures"! Thanks for posting the pictures, too! Love you, Mom

  3. I am pleased you have so easily acclimated yourself with your guest family, surroundings, and school. I will look forward to hearing about the content of your classes.

    Gary Dudley

  4. Great pictures! I was hoping to see some eventually once you got settled. :) In some ways it's surprising to see how much it looks like some of the ordinary places here in the USA. A lot of people just think of blowing sand in the Middle East... coming from Arizona gives the same impression I'm afraid! I'm so glad things seem to be going well for you, and that they remain exciting while still slowly becoming part of daily life. Keep up the good work and good times. :)

  5. I LOVE the pictures! They make "you in Amman" seem closer! Thanks. Gram

  6. "Figured out how to turn my new alarm off in my sleep."

    See, we ARE related!
