Thursday, January 28, 2010

Things I've seen...

And things I didn't expect to see.

I saw: part of an Arabic wedding party.
I didn't expect to see: a bagpipe player among the drummers.

I saw: the first page of an Arabic placement test.
I didn't expect to see: directions entirely in Arabic.

I saw: the University of Jordan campus.
I didn't expect to see: trees and hills.

I saw: a small, well-lit bookshop.
I didn't expect to see: a dimly lit hookah bar above it.

I saw: an hourlong video about Jordan.
I didn't expect to see: a clip of King Abdullah flying a helicopter. And another of him riding a motorcycle. And another of him rappelling down waterfalls.

I saw: my black suitcase sitting in my room.
I didn't expect to see: my orange suitcase (finally) sitting behind the hotel's desk. Hooray!

I saw: falafel.
I didn't expect to see: meat inside it. (Was it really even falafel?)

I saw: a tiny stand selling DVDs.
I didn't expect to see: Avatar.

There's a lot to see here.


  1. Falafel with meat? That's a new one on me as well. I have a recipe to try making the vegetarian kind... it's likely not authentic but here's to hoping it's good. :) And a bookstore with a hookah bar, somehow, just sounds appropriate. Most good readers already have their heads in the clouds when reading anyway! (Yes, I'm kidding and no, I don't think I would recommend or try it.) Thanks for the updates!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing about your adventures, Sarah. You have a real knack for taking what you are experiencing and making it even more interesting! ~ I am so glad that your second suitcase has finally arrived! I hope it wasn't too difficult living without it.
    Hugs and love,

  3. I like that we get to see through your eyes and your words. Thanks for sharing the expected and the unexpected in your own unique style.
