Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Barbecue and the Asheboro Zoo

Seriously, I've written two half-posts since I posted the last one. But I don't feel like adding those together will created a full one, so... here goes my third attempt at a post, and hopefully this one will end in success/publishing.

Last night (as I write this, it's still "last night" in Raleigh and Richmond) I went to a very delightful dinner party. My friend Hanne lives in an apartment here, but has a wonderful relationship with her landlords, who live in the same building. Like having semi-host-parents, it's pretty close to have the best of both worlds. Yesterday was Hanne's birthday and her landlords' anniversary. The landlady cooked all sorts of amazing ammaazzziing dishes, they invited over a lot of family (landlords) and friends (Hanne), and we all had a great time.

I truly enjoyed all of it. We had great conversations, and I was there with great people. I ate delicious food - and fortunately found enough room in my stomach to be socially and culturally appropriate - and ate delicious cake at the end. As I've already told Amy, my future roommate, Nescafe cake is on my to-do-list as soon as we have our own kitchen. But back to those "great conversations."

Much to my surprise, some CIEE employees came to the party, too. More surprisingly, it wasn't awkward at all. (This might make them blush, but CIEE has some really great employees. And their interns make great sisters.) I sat next to Allison Hodgkins, Resident Director, and right beside her was her husband. We (students) were talking about which states we came from. When it came to my turn, I proudly professed my North Carolinian origin - don't worry, my VCU (go rams go!) friends, I also mentioned that I study in Virginia. As it turns out, Allison and her husband lived in North Carolina a few years ago. We did what you have to do whenever you meet somebody from home so far away from home - we compared.

Oh, where did you live? Did you like it there? Did you go to this place? Did you see this sight? Oh, I love Neomonde, too. Such good Mediterranean food.
As for the responses, they lived in Durham about twenty minutes from my house, they liked Chapel Hill, disliked Durham, and didn't venture into Raleigh that much. They do, however, love the aforementioned Neomonde and City Market - City Market happens to be the place that, in the eighth grade, made me fall in love with Raleigh's downtown.

Regardless of their opinion on Durham itself, they adored the rest of North Carolina. Blowing Rock! The Outer Banks! The Asheboro Zoo! Wilmington! Asheville! It felt so good for me to talk about all of these things. I almost used the word "reminisce" there, but decided it seems inappropriate. I'll be back soon enough!

I had another fun conversation yesterday during our break in Arabic class. There are two guys from U of R in my class - University of Richmond for the non-Virginians out there. Yes, that means that 25% of the students in my class are from RVA. Anyway, I was poking fun at one of them because of... well, let's just say that U of R has a reputation. They have walls around their campus, and the campus is cuddled in the middle of a country-clubbish district. My university has no walls and lies smack-dab IN the city. Summary of my argument: Richmond students never venture beyond their walls, and VCU students have all the fun.

Pat and Peter pretty much conceded that point to me. But then Pat mentioned one place that he had gone to outside of his campus: Buz and Ned's Barbecue up on Boulevard. Okay, ten points for Pat, that's good. He referred to it as "downtown" but then "by the new movie theater" - mutually exclusive phrases, you see - but I let it slide. The Food Network addicts out there might remember this as the site of the spare ribs Throwdown. (Buz won.) I drive by this place most of the time I go to Diversity Thrift (just always seem to miss that turn off Chamberlayne if I got the other way) or the Bow Tie movie theater. Love the sign.

Raleigh things, North Carolina things, Richmond things... I love talking about home. I love bragging on the things that I'm proud of over there, and I love bragging about them to people who can actually understand the things I'm talking about. It's always so nice to be reminded of the little things at home when I'm so far away.

And one last little thing. As far as Hanne's birthday and her landlords' anniversary:
Happy birthday to Yasmin!
Happy birthday to Sallie and Will!
And happy anniversary to Mom and Dad! Thirty years is a great thing.
You all are the sort of people who remind me of home. And every time I get a letter, or a Facebook message, or an anything, I'm grateful. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I love your lyrical title!
    How very lovely of your friend's landlords/ semi-host-parents to include her and her friends for such a nice celebration.
    And I'm glad you've found some folks who can appreciate talk about North Carolina and Virginia. They really are two pretty nice places to live, aren't they?
    Miss you! Much love,
